15 Feb Signs You May Have Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is one of the most common diseases in the United States. It can be found in all 50 states and also the District of Columbia. It is caused by the bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. They are transmitted to humans or animals through a bite from infected black-legged and deer ticks. You may be able to get Lyme disease when any ticks bite you and they stay on your skin for about 36 – 48 hours.
When you remove the tick in the first 48 hours, you will be unlikely to get infected. Once the bacteria enter your body, they will move to the central nervous system, eyes, joints, muscles, and heart. Everyone will react to Lyme disease differently. You may have some or a few of these symptoms. The symptoms may vary in severity level. Here are some common signs or symptoms of this disease.
a. Rash
This is one of the most common symptoms that may occur on the skin. The signature skin rash from the tick bites will be a solid red oval or bull’s eye mark on your skin. This bull’s eye has its central red spot which is surrounded by a clear circle. On the outside part of this bull’s eye, you are going to find a wide red circle on your skin. This skin rash is usually flat and it doesn’t itch.
This skin rash is commonly a sign that the infection has already been spreading within the skin tissues. The first skin rash may occur on the bite area within 3 – 30 days. Then, you may also notice some other small and similar rashes that will appear at least 3 – 5 weeks later when the bacteria are spread through tissues.
b. Fatigue
Once you get tick bites, you may feel some symptoms, such as flu-like symptoms. The symptoms are usually waxing, waning, and cyclical every few weeks. Some common symptoms of Lyme disease will be lack of energy, exhaustion, tiredness, etc. When you get these tick bites, you may need a nap during the day. You may also need about 1 – 2 hours longer sleeping period than usual.
c. Achy, swollen, and stiff joints
Joint pain and also stiffness may be considered as the early Lyme symptoms. Your joints can be inflamed, swollen, painful, and also warm to the touch. When you are in the early stage of Lyme disease infection, you may have stiffness and also limited range of motion in your joints.
Pain can be moved around all parts of your body. Sometimes, you may hurt your knees, whereas some other times, you will feel pain in your neck or your heels. The pain can be severe for many people, especially when more than 1 joint is affected.
d. Headache, dizziness, and fever
You may have some other flu-like symptoms that may occur on your body, for example, dizziness, headaches, fever, malaise, muscle pain, etc. It may be difficult for you to distinguish any symptoms from Lyme disease with the symptoms from a viral infection or the common flu. Low-level flu symptoms may occur on your body periodically, so you can notice them as a sign of Lyme.
e. Sleep disturbances
Many people who get infected by Lyme bacteria may suffer from sleep disturbances. You may feel joint pain at night. Your body temperature will fluctuate and you may have night sweats and chills. About 60% of adults with early Lyme symptoms may develop night chills and sweats.
f. Cognitive decline
This is another common symptom that may occur in people with Lyme disease. You may notice that you are going to have difficulty concentrating on your work or school. Your memory may have lapses, so you may have difficulties in learning something. You may feel that your brain will process information slower than it is used to be. Lyme bacteria will affect your brain negatively and also reduce the overall mental process in your brain.
When you have any of those symptoms, you may want to meet your doctors as soon as possible. It will be a perfect time for you to spray for ticks in your home. You can call professional tick removal experts now, so they can help you get rid of any ticks in your home immediately.